COURSES & Events



    We are offering Part Payments!

    To see options and purchase your ticket for our February 2024 cohort via part payments, click the button below!


    The Monday sessions for our May/June 2024 cohort kick off on the 13th May 2024.

    To purchase your full ticket, click the button below!



MONDAYS 10AM BST: 13th, 20th, 3rd, 10th June
(skipping May 27th as it’s a UK Bank Holiday)

‘In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.’

Angela Y. Davis

‘An introduction to Anti-racism’ is a course written and delivered by Jess Mally.

In it, Jess takes participants on a journey exploring some key questions.
Do we or don’t we live in a racist society and what metric or framework do we apply to answer that question?
Why is it not enough to be non-racist? What does it mean to ‘be’ anti-racist?
Why does history matter?
How do we identify interconnectedness and mutuality to build solidarity?
They introduce participants to the realities of living in a racist society, unpack terminology from racism, white supremacy, white privilege to gaslighting, to equip you with helpful ways to have difficult conversations and give the participant a holistic understanding of how the UK got to where it is today.

Jess’ passion lies in helping people understand that the work before us will not take place overnight, that legislation and policy must change, and that alongside those changes we need to see a transformation of ideas and narratives in society as a whole.

In order to effectively dismantle white supremacy and create a society equal and fair for all, we have to tackle the mindsets that continuously uphold this system - even though often unintentionally, enrol a critical mass of people into this work and take action to change the systems and structures that ultimately harm us all.

Aside from giving a clear picture of the state of affairs and how we got here, Jess also offers a number of tools to begin this anti-racist journey.

This will be a safe space to unpack these issues. All participants will be asked to sign a confidentiality online form.


Full Course (x4 Modules) Ticket Options (descriptions can be found on Eventbrite / Part payment - instalments links via the buttons above):

White Folks Ticket - £150 + Eventbrite Fees

Equity Ticket - £120 + Eventbrite Fees

Global Majority Ticket - £100 + Eventbrite Fees


This course is for white people and non-Black people of the Global Majority who are not afraid to face the facts, are ready to go on a journey and are committed to take responsibility to change the system they have for so long benefited from. It is a beginner course and only an introduction. The content addresses anti-Black racism specifically whilst also making connections to the way in which racism plays out at large - systemically and interpersonally.

This course is of course also open to Black folks who want to learn to better articulate the current state of affairs. Please be aware that the content might be triggering for some. Do get in touch if you are Black / African Heritage and have any questions before signing up.

All participants will receive an extensive reading list at the end of the course to further educate themselves.

Accessibility: Please get in touch if you have specific accessibility requirements and we will be sure to make necessary adjustments.


Each session will run for 2hrs which includes a time for sharing and questions. Sessions will run via Zoom.

Module 1: Laying the groundwork, recent events & the UK’s cry for racial justice
Monday, 13th May 2024

Unpacking anti-racism and introducing a framework

Terminology and the importance of language

Connecting the dots between recent events and the world's current so called ‘awakening’ to the realities of racial injustice.

The reality of racial injustice in the UK and why the cry for change resonated with Black and Global Majority Communities everywhere.

Module 2: Racism in the UK - A brief history and the state of affairs
Monday, 20th May 2024

This module offers an overview of the construction of race, racism in the UK and the British leading role in the transatlantic slave trade.

A more recent history of the struggle for racial justice in the UK - the last hundred years (the contributions and struggles - a timeline)

Connecting the dots - how a narrative was shaped throughout history

Where we are now (with a clear understanding of how we got here) - the realities and inequalities of being Black in the UK today.

Module 3: Ask the ‘Awkward’ Questions
Monday, 3rd June 2024

In this session participants will have the opportunity to ask the questions they wouldn’t otherwise ask. Submitted anonymously and prior to the session via a form, I will go through them and answer all questions

This is a unique offering and I would like to make it very clear that this should not be expected from any Black person - I am doing it as part of my job. This is emotional labour not all Black folks are willing to (and shouldn't have to!) partake in and I ask participants to respect that in their daily life.

Module 4: Antiracist practices
Monday, 10th June 2024

As we will establish throughout the course, being anti-racist is more than attending a course or reading a book and it doesn’t happen overnight. In this session I will outline and introduce a number of practices that those who want to truly engage in anti-racist practice, lead anti-racist lives, run anti-racist companies organisations can turn to in their day to day life on this journey.


“This introduction to racism provides a safe space to explore this area with patience, grace and understanding. I'm really grateful to Jess for her time and giving us the opportunity to begin to explore this area in depth.”

Darren Cock

"Impactful, educational, practical, non-judgemental, and absolutely crucial.  This course is delivered brilliantly by Jess and I wholeheartedly support her and this work.  Jess is able to connect with the audience and tackle this subject expertly, creating a safe and honest space for attendees, leaving them with practical tools to make a meaningful change and become a real ally.  As a white woman and business owner, I can honestly say Jess' course has moved me to ensure all my clients actively commit to undertaking anti-racism training, and I can think of no better starting point than Jess' Introduction to Anti-Racism course." 

Silvia Gargiulo, Founder / Director, BIY People & Talent

“Before, I was stuck in the limbo between wanting to be an ally to black people but frozen in fear of saying the wrong thing and terrified of phrases like ''white supremacy'.
Since doing Jess' course, I am confidently having conversations around race and calling out my own bias' and those around me in a way that I wouldn't have done before.

I feel empowered to take action and feel like I have very much started my lifelong journey of practising anti-racism and being a true ally, rather than just being performative.

I cannot recommend Jess' course enough. I hope such courses become so normalised that if you HAVEN'T done anti-racism training it is seen as taboo. ”

Catri Barrett

“Attending this four-week course has been eye-opening and hugely informative. To be able to learn from Jess is such an incredibly opportunity; I'm so grateful that she shared her knowledge and experiences with us.
This course is for anyone who truly wants to begin their journey to becoming anti-racist and, as part of that process, ask questions in a truly safe and nonjudgmental space. I've loved it and look forward to learning even more from Jess in the years to come! Thank you, Jess!”

Alex Freeman

Jess has a magical ability to create a warm, open, informal environment while also facilitating very serious discussion around the construct of race and the reality of racism.

Reading books and taking responsibility for further learning is important - and Jess provides plenty of resources for this - but having a dedicated time to discuss, ask questions and connect with people over a few weeks has been incredibly valuable for putting learning into practice.
