I am reminded of how small all our worlds are.
How there are literally one million ways of doing things
How our need to be ‘right’ is so dangerous,
And by that I don’t just mean to be right in an egotistical way
More in a way that is desperate and urgent

A way that feels like if I don’t fix this,
Who will
In a need to control kind of way
Because the idea of not being in control
Of not having the answers can be so daunting

I get it!

What if there is no right
I mean,
I don’t think there is a right, there can’t be
Just one right,
Maybe all there is is a north star
A common hope
A common love for life
For each other
For the future

A belief and conviction of
‘Cause no harm’
And seek collective self-interest
But what even is collective self-interest? 

What exactly does liberation look like?
Somehow, to me, this begs the question:

What does your heart dream of?
What future do you sow into the soil of today?
What hope keeps you moving for tomorrow?

What does your heart dream of?


Does it dream of restful days,
Ploughing the soil,
Harvesting your own food? 

Does it dream of music to your heart’s content,
Dancing barefoot in the sand,
What does your heart dream of?


Does it dream of community?
Children smiling on the compound,
Chicken’s running wild
Laughter and games played in

Does it dream of lovers fighting and making up again,
With the whole community raising a glass
And celebrating
Life is too short to keep things from each other
Sharing in joy and sorrow 

What does your heart dream of?
What future do you sow into the soil of today?
What hope keeps you moving for tomorrow?

It begs the question
IF there is no right,
Is there only a north star
A guide rail of sorts,
Hope for the future 

Beyond survival
In thriving and in joy 

It begs the question
What are we building?
What are we chasing? 

Do we truly know what our heart dreams of?
Not just out individual heart
But our collective one
Beating to the rhythm of the mother’s heartbeat

What does our heart dream of? 

What does your heart dream of?

What future do you sow into the soil of today?

What hope keeps you moving for tomorrow?


